Some months ago, a teenager in India got killed because he had headphones on and was listening to loud music from his mobile. Apparently, he was walking on railway tracks and people were frantically waving to him to get off the track of the oncoming train. He did not hear them, see them nor did he sense the vibrations of the train…..because of the mobile phone. Neighbours said he was a good boy on his way to visit his Grandma.
Then there are the folks who would not turn off their phones when reminded before a plane takes off, though the danger is shared by all passengers. And those who cannot wait till the plane stops to turn on their phones.
There are those who cross the roads or ride the bikes with ear piece on. Drivers who have killed innocent pedestrians because they were talking on the phone.
And they are those who would use the phone to make movie while a person is beat up, harassed, bullied, molested, run over, etc, instead of helping the victim.
Mobile foolishness not because of the phone but the human.
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