Whatever the contributing factor, home, technology or culture … the act of reflecting is slowly getting lost.
Much of life lessons are best learnt when we take time to reflect.
In public transport, almost everyone is using electronic gadgets to be ‘engaged’… a lot of engaged / busy people, with shallow maturity because few have time to think / reflect.
Our 5 senses are bombarded by stimuli every moment of our waking hours and intentionally by commercial entities till we are exhausted. But little by little our ‘distended appetite’ crave for more, and more stimulation. A smiley, a blink, a sound effect, are no longer enough to excite us. We want more dazzling designs, more eye candies, more sensational music, more unusual sounds, mega experiences that bombard our eyes, ears, nose, hands, and even tongue.
But that part of our brain needing reflection and understanding for maturity, growth, wisdom is completely starved. Hardly anyone in public spaces / transportation, are deep in thought, silently pondering and reflecting anymore.
We must actively and deliberately reclaim the art of reflection …..before we become walking shallow beings.
Sadly, the art of reflection might turn into a class 101. The crazy trend to push everything into classes [selling the tag ‘education is the only solution’], and to get a piece of paper after that seem to be more important than the substance of the class and the value of the learning itself. Branding mongers add to that problem.
So watch out for a course on ‘Learn How to Reflect’.
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