2 Jan 2007

A great wrap to 2006 and peek into 2007

I had a most excellent visit to India for 6 days beginning on Christmas Eve, one that I would never forget. I deliberately did not bring my camera because I wanted to have good visual memory and that I have.

It was a very last minute decision and the fact that I could share the experience is itself a gift from God. Air ticket to Cochin [Kochi] in SW India at that time of the year is typically sold out, not to mention accommodations.

I got everything confirmed literally on a Thursday and flew off on Sunday. In fact only 1 out of the 8 places I contacted via email, responded with “We have free room only on 24th. Remaining days no free rooms”. Yet, the period I was there, I had room for every night!!!

Right from the start, I had no idea what to expect and yet with every expectation that God will give me a memorable time….

I remember thinking on the flight to Cochin that it would be the first time I would be alone for Christmas Eve since I have joined the family of Jesus - missing the midnight mass that I would normally attend in Singapore and being with friends. How wrong I was!! On the 2 hours drive to Kumarakom, the star of Bethelehem dotted the entire drive. People hung the star as part of the Christmas decorations… of all sizes colours and designs. At 11 pm, these stars brightly lit the journey, cheering me.

Every 15-20 minutes, I passed by a midnight mass service and at two locations, the people were on the streets with candle lights … I remember thinking I attended more than one midnight mass service and that I was a part of the celebrations and not alone….JOY!!!!

In the 3 days at Kumarakom and Kottayam areas, I had a restful time, enjoying the Vembanad Lake in 3 different types of boating vessels. I had a 2-hour row boat ride on the lake as the light faded, watching some birds retiring for the night and others just coming alive. Dineeash was also a bird guide and it was God who sent him in the strangest of ways. I had no reasons to be afraid even though I was alone with him and the sun has set. I met him when entering the bird sanctuary and he asked if I wanted a boat ride. When I left the bird sanctuary, I told him I would be back at 4 pm for the boat ride. I ended being an hour late cos I walked 4.5 Km to get there [no autos and did not know how to take the local bus]. I kept praying he would be there. He was not. Some of the other boat men offered but I felt bad since I had promised him. They said I had to wait another hour for him and I agreed. He showed up 15 mins later. He is very knowledgeable about the birds around the lake.

I had also taken the government ferry across the lake and then back just for only 5 rupees one way!! And there was the motorboat. I went along the waterways / canals, watching the communities along the banks – women, children and elder folks… the water being so much a part of their daily life…. saw a live tiger prawn – larger than the size of a crayfish – in a fishing net.

The birds are so used to the boating vessels that they won’t fly off. I got to see their feeding behaviours up close… what a treat!!! Cormorants feeding, pond herons resting, egrets standing tall and elegant, kingfishers, terns, swifts, gulls, ibis, etc.

It was good to rest my eyes, allowing them to gaze into the wide expanse of land / green and blue hues, without having to contend with tall structures or glaring screens. Listening to sounds of nature instead of traffic and city sounds helped me to relax.

No doubt travelling alone always invite stares of curiosity… some thought I was Japanese, Chinese and even French [ha!]. Kids waved, and greeted me with pleasantries….. I felt so at home with these people. None were threatening.

On Christmas night, I was treated to fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers, etc. The last time that I was part of such fun, so up close, was when I was a child – too many years ago. It is illegal in Singapore to lit them because they are fire hazards and are dangerous. Amazing how the guys at the lodge were so brave to set those dangerous stuff off… but the kids staying there seemed to be thrilled. It seemed each community had their own fireworks / firecrackers going so it was noisy every night.

Opposite the dinning hall [food needs 2 hours advance notice because there is no resident cook] is a Hindu Temple. I watched the people [mostly ladies] go down to the water, rinsed their mouth and spit out the water, sprinkled themselves on the head and body as a ceremonial wash before entering the temple. Sharing the water was a guy, here and there, having their daily bath. Further down the water, women were doing their laundry. Boating vessels passed by meanwhile. A river for many different purposes. Hygiene must not be priority in the mind of these folks.

Tharavadu Heritage Home is a simple 10-cottage set up. Renu is the owner and the place belongs to her husband. It is a more than 120 years old traditional Kerala Syrian Christian house, located near the river bank and small rivers. [www.tharavaduheritage.com] The rooms are spacious and reasonably clean. One manager and a couple of guys run the place. So, quickly I learned that it is a very laid back environment, and things will take time to happen. Just as well I needed to relax and so it was fine for me to wait…

Internet access is free [an upscale hotel in Bangkok charges!!!].

A couple from Seattle checked in as I was heading to the ‘AA’ Resort for the 3rd night. Veda and her husband are retired and are on a month-long trip to India. She wanted a set of bath and hair towels. I knew she would be in a state of disappointment. Ah well, I hope they would relax and go with the flow. [Oh! They thought Michael Fay was caned for chewing gum!!!]

The Resort is out of the main road so there is nothing much I can do except to enjoy the facilities offered by the resort. I was not too comfortable with the statues all around the resort so I stayed around my unit to relax and read.

To get the massage / treatment, the resident doctor first had to do a simple diagnosis. Actually, he is the boss because he was needed to make all the decisions [I mean all]. He took down my details and prescribed some treatment including something for my sinus sensitivity, muscle tension in my neck and some rejuvenation therapy. Considering it was a fraction of what I needed to pay in Singapore, I decided to give it a try. On hindsight, I could have used the monies and time for something else.

The doctor was professional and convincing. However, the ladies who carried out the treatment and the room where the treatment took place were a whole different story!!!!

I felt like I was in a veterinary room or worse, a butchery room. The smells, the stains, the provisions…. quite a let down, having seen the beautiful pictures in the book they showed me. The ladies were obviously quite new, not confident at all, constantly whispering and unsure of what they are doing. Their poor understanding of English aggravated the situation. I felt totally ill-at-ease throughout. Though they were sincerely diligent, I don’t think these ladies understood their role in ensuring their customer’s relaxation. They were so focused on the steps they were supposed to carry out, they forgot they were dealing with a human being whose dignity was at their disposal. Mosquitoes were also a major worry for me. The wooden surface was so painful – far cry from the pampering we get in Singapore. I feel more bruised than soothed!!!

The supposed inhalation of herbal ‘cigar’ for my nose did not do the ‘magic’ the doctor wanted. He did it personally and still no results. My sinus got more irritated instead.

I found out afterwards that this resort was only 1 month old. No wonder. I gave my feedback to the Dr and he was very appreciative of my sharing, he made the first session complementary - 2 for the price of one. Haha.

You have read the lighter side of my experience. Now onto the amazing experience that surprised me.
Before I left Singapore, I could sense a certain adventure in the air, a sense of anticipation and yet could not quite point to anything specific. It was just pure excitement, like a child waiting to open a Christmas gift though there wasn’t any to be seen. Just a sense of knowing…..

Within 4 hours of arriving into Bangalore from Cochin, after a chain of events which clearly indicated that God’s plan cannot be stopped by obstacles, I met with a gentleman whom I have 1st met for about 20 minute back in October 2006. I took an auto [also known as tut tut in Thailand / Philippines] to meet him and then he whisked me off to neighbourhoods I have never visited before. [Having visited Bangalore 14 times over the 10 years!!!]

I can guess your reactions. NO, it was not some crazy thing I did and no it is not what you think. Mr A Raj, was telling me when we were travelling in the auto to some place I don’t know, that he grew up in an orphanage. Even after so many years, when he mentioned how his Mom suffered, he teared. When he heard that I made the trip to Bangalore because of the email he sent, he was overwhelmed ….

Mr Raj, a father of 2 grown up girls, has a heart for the poor and the orphans. He surprised me as much as I surprised him. He did not expect that I would travel to meet him just because of his email and while I know he had plans for me to help him, I did not expect to be so involved!!!

5 to 7 pm, he took me to meet about 9 people and their children [So glad I had candies with me. Those kids had no idea who the stranger in the house was.] It was a small but decent home. Such hospitality and joy in the group! The next surprise came. I was asked to share / teach from the Bible and pray for each of them. To turn down such an invitation would be irresponsible on my part because it was a privilege, not to mention the rudeness on my part. But with no prior knowledge of the intent, I was totally unprepared. So, all I could do was be obedient to God. That is to open my mouth and say something about what I have learnt from God recently and let God take over from there…

It was the same for the next stop from 7 to 9 pm, next day from 1 pm to 3 pm, 4 pm to 6 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm …… different people, different locations, different needs and God gave me different thoughts to share…. I was / still am so amazed that it could happen. Actually, it felt like I was the one who received!!!! Just being obedient to God can bring so much satisfaction – beyond words!

The icing on the cake was when I was greeted 12 times ‘Hello Aunty, Welcome Aunty. My name is……..’ and given a bouquet of flowers by 12 boys dressed alike. They were all so smartly dressed that no one would know that they are living below poverty. Mr Raj and his wife, known affectionately as Apa Raj and Ama Rosie to the kids, had specially tailored the yellow shirts and brown pants for each of them as Christmas gift. I thought they were from the same school ie school uniform. Ranging from 6 to 12 years old, some without their front teeth, one lost use of one of his eyes because of work, but all healthy and cheery. Each took turn to tell me who they were, as if I was the principal. I got to pray for each of them. Guess what were their prayer requests? ‘excellence at school’, ‘be good child to parents’ and ‘blessings to Apa Raj and Ama Rosie’. Even a couple of them who were typically naughty and non attentive at school [according to Mr Raj’s daughter] asked God to help them change. One young fella had such a long list of prayers, which was translated to me. Was that a ‘wow’ or what?

When I offered to hug them, I was told some of them were not comfortable because ‘they don’t know how to be hugged.’ [But to hug is a child’s natural language, universally!!!]

Mr Raj has undertaken to sponsor their schooling – at about 6000 ruppees [about SGD 240] per year. This man, who is himself only a salaried man and sole breadwinner at home, has opened his heart, home and family to share with these kids and their parents [the few who have both parents]. His dream is to build a 36-bed orphanage for the children in the squatters. He has given me an architectural drawing so I can join him in prayers.

The stay in Bangalore wrapped up with a morning meeting at Mr Raj’s home with his family. He shared further about his dream and humbled me when he asked that I pray for Apa Raj and Ama Rosie….I have so much more to learn from them. God reminded me it is not about qualifications but about willingness, availability and faith.

I had to turn down lunch from Ama Rosie because I had another lunch waiting for me.

I must add that the 2 nights in Bangalore were spent with Ms Vilasini who so graciously opened her home to me. Despite only a 3-day notice before I arrived, she and her husband so warmly allowed me to [rudely] use their wonderful home as a hotel – I was gone all day till late night. Such graciousness. I am very grateful. The delight was in getting to know Hobbs, the big Labrador – the size of a St Bernard – at least to me.

On the 2nd night, after Vilasini has gone up to bed, I had left the bedroom door open while using the washroom. When I got into the bedroom, Hobbs was on the bed and from the look he gave me, I knew he was determined to stay there. [I only realised the next morning that he was not supposed to be on the bed.] I could not move him so I joined him. Haha.

The trip to Bangalore was a on / off / on / off affair till the last minute. 6 days before the flight to Cochin, it was off and that same night came Mr Raj’s email [he did not even know I was planning a trip to India], so only 4 days before flight to Cochin, Bangalore was confirmed. I was surprised to even get tickets.

When I was at the Singapore airport, I realised that I did not bring Mr Raj’s contact info with me. He did not have mine except my email. Basically, the communication with Mr Raj was next to impossible, given the earthquake in Taiwan and I could not assess my mail, etc. I knew God has to make the connections because I could not do anything on my part…..

Those short 6 days in December, gave me a series of faith-walk experiences. I left Singapore with a blank chapter and the script was only written as the events unfolded …. “Just a sense of knowing…..”
Like the long walk I had in the bird sanctuary in Cochin. I met a security guard along the way – he was also a game warden – and he, in his limited English, took me into a side path and pointed out to me the Cormarant’s nest up high on a tree and a few other well hidden birds. I wondered how many of the other visitors got to see these ‘secrets’. I felt like he gave me a special treat…. Just like God did.

One last laugh to end off the diary... While in the different neighbourhoods of Bangalore, I saw many lambs. They were being sold for the Muslim sacrifice [Haji]. I was admiring the beautiful neon green horns. Then I realised that the horns were painted for greater attraction!!! Silly me, I was trying to figure out what species has developed such colours….

Thanks for allowing me to ramble.

When I sent off the last journal sharing in January, I really had no plans to write part 3… I had no idea that God had chapter 3 in mind. Who knows if Chapter 4 and 5 and ….are awaiting after all I did end 2006 with a blank book to be filled in by God. [The days of my life has been ordained from before I was born in my mother’s womb..] As I near the big 50, I am convinced that every step I move in is ordained by God.
Part 3 has to do with the fracture of my right thigh bone, the neck of the femur, to be specific. It happened on Jan 16 at 6.45 pm [time as noted by a neighbour].

No, I was not distracted by any hunk, nor was I chasing after a 50 dollars note, as some friends connoted. Would you believe it - I was simply walking in my apartment !!!! When I walked from the kitchen into the living room, those 2 drops of water – just 2 – did the job!!!! That was the great cause!!!! Ok lah!, the worn out threads at the base of the house slippers were in cahoots with the water. As a neighbour strongly admonished ‘those slippers should have been thrown out.’ They are gone and I am walking in a new pair with good traction.

Then, everyone ventured to guess it must be my bone porosity. I am almost certain it is not but I did not want to argue since only test results could verify. The bone density scan result was out on Jan 30 and I am thankful that I am on the higher end of the spectrum ie the fracture is not because of porosity of bone.

The femur is a tremendously strong bone--in order for a femur fracture to occur, either a large force must be applied or something is wrong with the bone. In patients with normal bone strength, the most common causes of femur fractures include:
  • Car accidents clip_image002[4]
  • Falls from a height
Patients may also have bone that is weakened by osteoporosis, tumour, or infection.

The important issue with femoral neck fractures is that the blood supply to the fractured portion of bone is often disrupted at the time of injury. Because blood flow is diminished, these fractures are at high risk of not healing, especially when the fracture is badly displaced. Due to the problem blood supply with femoral neck fractures, many will be treated by a partial hip replacement.
[If blood supply to the head of the femur [‘ball’] is insufficient, it will literally ‘die’ and collapse.]

Some of you know I had the same nature of fracture on the left femur about 4.5 years ago. I had surgery then and surgery again this time on my right femur.

I am now a rare statistic because such fractures are not common for my age group and I have 2 of them!!! One might say I am now ‘balanced’! Even the doctors are confounded by the severity of the impact of a normal fall.

Doctor inserted 3 metal pins to fix the fracture [presumably titanium, like the 3 already in my left femur]. The x-ray picture [from the net] shows how the pins are fixed [looks like the x-ray of my thigh.] Hey, I am a bionic woman now, as a friend announced!! Another friend said that if in the future I need to do MRI, I have to be careful or else I would be levitated against my will by the magnetic force. Hmmm, wonder what other challenges I might face with magnetic fields….

I did not think the security at airport would be a problem since the pins on my left thigh did not ‘ring a bell’ when I visited the USA 3 years ago. The doctor told me the sensitivity level of those screening machines at the airports has been increased and I will definitely set the alarm going!

I caught a news clip on Fox News - that in America, there is a holding room in the airports for people who need additional screening. The conversation in that room goes “…what are you in for?” “Titanium plates in the knees.” “Ha, I have screws in my ankle..” “Oh, I have plates in my hips..” I guess I will join those folks soon. An exclusive club that I finally belong to, free of charge! The doctor has written a note for me for such occasions, and that means it has to be in my passport whenever I travel.

Faith is a very interesting experience. It is not about faith in something like a person, a rock, an event or faith in faith [fate]. It is not about confidence in something. In fact faith is a battlefield – allow me to explain.
Faith is, to me, believing in what God said He will do even though all the circumstances indicate the opposite. It involves some degree of ‘risk’. When I received the message from God that He has healed me, my wound still hurts, the muscles hurt, the bone is still healing and the supposed long term effect of the ‘possible collapse of the head of the femur’ ie the ‘ball’ are constantly reminding me of the ‘what if’s. Hence, the battlefield!! One moment I am fully trusting in God and then the next, the what ifs… Finally, it has to boil down to a decision to choose. [Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen…. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.] So, faith cannot be judged by what the eyes see or ears hear. I chose to believe that God said it and that settles it. Doubts rob me of the faith so I choose not to entertain those doubts for long.

And I might add, the healing is as a result of what God said to me directly. [Faith comes from the hearing of God.] There was no fanfare of any sort.

I will end this sharing with this. When something goes wrong in our lives, it is not necessary a bad thing. Out of the ‘misalignment, I saw many things. Even when projects / productions are messed up, they provide great insight into how things are taken for granted. I now look at the logistics around the house / household chores / stairs / transport with a new set of perspective which I would never otherwise.

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God starts us out on a life course to fulfill a certain purpose and then, only when we are ready, He gives us course corrections. Like a good river pilot, He steers us away from troubled waters, and like a good coach, He never puts us in the game until we are ready. The journey is never boring.


  Read this out loud to yourself, and mean it!!

  I am precious, valuable, lovable and capable.
  The world will not be the same without me.
  I make a difference in this world, in the community I live in.
  I can make another person smile.
  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  I sing for I am loved by a great God whose nature is to give  love, mercy and grace.

  [In Hindi]
  Mai amulya hoon.
  Yeh duniya mayray bina wahi nahin rahegi.
  Mayray hone say is duniya mein kuch badlav hai.
  Mujh se doosre ke chahre pay muskuraahat aati hai.
  Mujhe bhayankar se banaya gaya hai.
  Mujhe gaana hai ki ek mahaan; ishwhar mujhe pyaar karte.
  Hain aur mayray prati daya dikhaate hain.