30 Aug 2008

The Delhi Network

Delhi was hot, humid and very polluted. We had not planned to have a long stay in Delhi but just enough time to catch up with a friend or two and get to Agra.  In just the 2 short days bracketing our visit to Agra, we did not get a good impression of the city.  I suppose like most big cities, it is unfriendly and ..... But it was the corruption that pervaded the streets / transactions that caused us to feel icky.

I have a whole new appreciation for the word 'networking' since the Delhi experience.  The full details would bore you so here's the condensed version.  We had confirmed train tickets to Agra. Several people had tried to convince us that we needed to get it stamped because internet ticket was not acceptable blah blah blah.... Some were trying to convince us that we should go by car instead of train and that they could get us refunds for the train tickets etc. 
On the street, a nice / clean shaven, and well dressed Sikh, who spoke very well, took on a good samaritan ploy and insisted that we should visit the Government Tourism office to get the best options and had walked us to the 'office'. He gave a big speech about not cheating us and that he cared etc. His quick phone call was a suspicious act. He left after getting us in the shop.  We did not want to be rude to him and thought the best way to shake him off would be to go in and get out.

Once inside the shop, I told the 'officer' that we had only ten minutes because our friend would be picking us up.  He wanted to know where our friend would be coming from and where we would be picked up and to which I replied to the equivalent 'None of your business.'  Actually it was the truth - we were heading to a friend's home in 2 hours - instead of ten mins.
This type of networking is amazing.  There are runners walking the streets to search for victims and refer them to the agents.  Hmmmm...multi-level marketing.
But nothing beats this other conman. 
We arrived at the Delhi train station at 5.30 am to catch the 6 am train to Agra on a taxi. We could not figure out how to get to the platform from the front of the building.  Again, some 'trawlers' were doing their 'networking' even at that hour.  Some guy told us we had to go upstairs to get the internet printouts stamped. He took us to the stairs. I had asked for his ID and he showed us a flimsy name card with his hand behind him, without turning to us. Alarm bell! We got up and found only one office with lights on. The gentleman inside looked confused when we asked for our printout to be stamped. A well dressed young man walked along the dark corridor towards us. He talked like a staff and I had believed that he was. Again the same story: he said we needed to get the ticket stamped but at 5.30 am the office was not open so we had to go to the IRTC building somewhere blah blah blah... 

We gave him the benefit of the doubt when he offered to walk us there and he took us to yet another Government Tourism Office! We wonder now if the Government really has one!!! These Govt Tourism Offices are everywhere. The young man had asked for 200 INR for his time to walk us there!!! We gave him 20 INR and the 'officer' in the office told him to go. Then that chap started to tell us all kind of crap. He asked for 760 INR each.  Well, hindsight is always 20/20 but at that time we were not sure. I knew we were not going to pay anyone money. I thank God for the wisdom He gave me at that moment. I said 'it is okay, we will go up the train with this printed ticket and if it is a problem, let them throw us off the train, we will deal with it then.' At that, the chap dropped from 760 INR to 100 INR. Ting ting ting... alarm bell went.  'Bye bye' we said and walked back across to the station. Thankfully we could make it back to the train in time.

We found the station master in official uniform. We boarded the train and happily settled into our designated seats. While waiting for the train to pull out of the station, the PA announcement said '.. do not hand over your ticket to any unauthorised person....Any authorised person asks for the ticket, his identity should be confirmed first..' We had already been on a wild goose chase and could have been conned!!! Wonder why the officials do not do the announcement where the conmen do their circuits - outside and why they do not put up posters all over the area!!! As a friend puts it, everyone gets a cut and that would include the officials too.

These conmen are banking on fear. They are opportunists masquerading their evil intent as kindness. Fear makes us victims!! I learnt if i am prepared to accept the 'worst case' risk, then the enemy has no foothold!!! This is something I will always remember.

Such encounters got me thinking. Conmen / corrupt individuals are typically people who do not believe in absolutes - the idea of relativity 'absolve' them of their responsibility to others. There is no one standard they hold to. I am convinced we need absolutes and only with absolutes will there be common standards of peace, of kindness, of respect, etc. And only God's absolutes are worthy of being the standards.

Well, Delhi did have some redeeming memories for us. We had a great time catching up with an ex-colleague whom we have not met for at least 7 years.  Getting to see the family - a 2nd child whom I had only heard about but had not met - and the 2 wonderful friendly dogs [which Charlotte cannot get to appreciate, hehehe].  It was good to see you again Sridhar and Atishi and of course Vatan and Katha. Thanks Grandpa and also Grandma.

And there was Prem, our auto cum tour guide. [see separate post for Prem]

Oh! We circled Connaught Circle 6 times in less than 3 hours!!! That is something to remember!

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God starts us out on a life course to fulfill a certain purpose and then, only when we are ready, He gives us course corrections. Like a good river pilot, He steers us away from troubled waters, and like a good coach, He never puts us in the game until we are ready. The journey is never boring.


  Read this out loud to yourself, and mean it!!

  I am precious, valuable, lovable and capable.
  The world will not be the same without me.
  I make a difference in this world, in the community I live in.
  I can make another person smile.
  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  I sing for I am loved by a great God whose nature is to give  love, mercy and grace.

  [In Hindi]
  Mai amulya hoon.
  Yeh duniya mayray bina wahi nahin rahegi.
  Mayray hone say is duniya mein kuch badlav hai.
  Mujh se doosre ke chahre pay muskuraahat aati hai.
  Mujhe bhayankar se banaya gaya hai.
  Mujhe gaana hai ki ek mahaan; ishwhar mujhe pyaar karte.
  Hain aur mayray prati daya dikhaate hain.